Dr. Mitloehner Chosen to Be On National Air Quality Task Force
CLEAR Center Director, Dr. Frank Mitloehner will bring two decades of expertise in studying the connection between the livestock industry and air quality, to his new role on the United States Department of Agriculture’s Task Force on Agricultural Air Quality Research.
“Agriculture is a vitally important sector in our country, and I’m proud to work with producers and the broader industry to further develop air quality solutions,” said Dr. Mitloehner. “It’s time to look at agriculture as part of a solution, and not the problem. I am excited to be part of this task force and work with farmers and ranchers to address air quality challenges in front of us.”
Mitloehner was selected, along with 26 new members to be part of the Task Force which examines the junction of agricultural production and air quality, and advises the secretary on scientifically sound, cost-effective, federally supported agricultural solutions that can help improve air quality. The Task Force members are from a variety of backgrounds, including agricultural producers, agricultural industry representatives, researchers, scientists and members of health and regulatory organizations, who have an interest and expertise with agriculture air quality issues. The newly selected members will serve a term of up to two years.
Created by the 1996 Farm Bill, the USDA Task Force on Agricultural Air Quality Research promotes USDA research efforts and identifies cost-effective ways the agriculture industry can improve air quality.
Among the issues the task force will take up include providing recommendations for needed research related to agricultural air quality issues and offering guidance and recommendations to the secretary regarding the impact on agriculture from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rules and research, including the National Ambient Air Quality Standards and emissions estimating methodologies for livestock and poultry operations.
Dr. Mitloehner is a Professor and Air Quality Specialist in Cooperative Extension in the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. He received his MS degree in Animal Science and Agricultural Engineering from the University of Leipzig, Germany, and his Ph.D. degree in Animal Science from Texas Technical University. Dr. Mitloehner is an expert for agricultural air quality, livestock housing and husbandry. Overall, he conducts research that is directly relevant to understanding and mitigating of air emissions from livestock operations, as well as the implications of these emissions for the health and safety of farm workers and neighboring communities.
In 2018, he founded the CLEAR Center – Clarity and Leadership for Environmental Awareness and Research at UC Davis. In addition to conducting research, the CLEAR Center studies numerous issues related to sustainability of global agriculture, including air, water, climate, animal welfare, food safety, work force and financial viability.
“Agriculture is moving the needle, with more advances on the horizon,” said Dr. Mitloehner. “Just by managing manure differently, through anaerobic digesters, for example, we’re cutting emissions in California and winning again by piping the gas to industry partners who are using it as an alternative fuel source. Agriculture is converting something that was a liability before into an asset.”
Mitloehner’s term runs through 2026.