Position Title
CLEAR Center
Department of Animal Science
UC Davis
Mitloehner Lab
Every step of Conor McCabe’s journey has been impacted by the land-grant system. He grew up on his small family farm in West Linn, OR, showing pigs through 4-H, which sparked his interest in animal science. McCabe completed his undergrad at Cornell University in animal science where he made the switch to dairy cows after spending time in Upstate New York. This continued into his masters degree in animal science from Purdue University where he researched the impact of circadian disruptions on dairy cattle health and production.
Prior to coming to Davis, McCabe was appointed as a member of the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching where he had conversations with Washington decision-makers to increase public funding for research and Extension programs. His experience with the land-grant system also took him abroad where he served as an agriculture teacher, Extension agent, and 4-H leader in a rural community in Ghana via an AgriCorps Fellowship.
McCabe started his Ph.D. with the Mitloehner lab in Winter 2021. Given his interests in extension, public engagement, and policy, McCabe looks to involve his career at the pinpoint of cattle’s role in sustainable food systems. Outside of his time in the lab or writing, you can find him riding his bike throughout the roads of NorCal, playing his cello, or trying out the newest restaurants in the Greater Sacramento area.